
  • 10 Healthy Holiday Dessert Recipes to Keep the Season Merry & Light

    Mom and daughter baking together
    It's that magical time of year when the air is filled with the scent of cinnamon and joy…and chocolate, pumpkin, gingerbread, and every tempting holiday treat imaginable. The season goes hand in hand with the irresistible allure of holiday desserts. At Health Hispanica®, we’re all about indulging on special occasions and keeping up with cherished traditions – which often involve food. But we’d also like to wish you a  healthy holiday – one where you savor the season while keeping your wellness goals intact. After all, why sacrifice your well-being for a sugar rush when you can whip up treats that are not only delicious but also guilt-free?
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  • Feverfew: A Natural Remedy for Holiday Headaches and More

    Feverfew plant - part of the daisy family

    As we dive headfirst into the holiday season, with Thanksgiving feasts, travel plans, family reunions, cooking, cleaning, decorating, hosting, and the whirlwind of holiday shopping, one thing is bound to accompany this festive frenzy: headaches. Maybe some muscle tension or a little back pain, too? During this time of year, filled with joy and chaos, there’s a natural hero that can help alleviate the discomfort. Let us introduce you to feverfew, an herbal remedy, known to promote pain-relieving properties, that's as delightful as the holiday season itself.

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  • Eye Health and the Digital Age: Why Younger Generations are Experiencing Vision Impairment Earlier

    man staring a computer screen with strained eyes
    We've all heard about the importance of caring for our physical health, but how often do we consider our eye health? In the digital age, where screens have become our constant companions, it's high time we talk about the well-being of our precious peepers. Recent evidence highlights the growing importance of caring for our eyes and safeguarding our vision. Let's dive into this eye-opening topic.
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  • The Healing Power of Curcumin

    Curcumin spice and supplement
    Are you tired of hearing about the latest health trends that promise to cure all your ailments? From superfoods to miracle supplements, it seems like there is a quick fix for everything. But what about a substance that’s been around for centuries as part of Ayurvedic medicine and a popular spice for food? Let’s explore curcumin, the golden spice-making waves in the health and wellness scene.
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